Woman overlooking ocean, contemplating confusion about life.

It’s normal to feel confused about life, so one of the best things you can do is to be curious about it and hold space for it. 

You don’t have to figure out why you’re feeling the way you do because trying to solve it right away could lead to more confusion and stress.

Time can be your best ally while you’re waiting for clarity and understanding because you can gain some valuable insights if you stay open and curious.

When I get confused, I like to take a step back and give myself space to reset my mind and gain more clarity.

Allowing yourself some time to feel and work through the confusion can help you: 

  1. Process your emotions
  2. Sort through your thoughts
  3. Gain clarity about yourself
  4. Understand why you feel confused
  5. And pinpoint the exact source of your confusion.

The process of waiting and navigating through life’s confusion can feel overwhelming, so I’ll go into more depth for the rest of this post and share my tips on how to gain more clarity and insights into why there’s confusion about life.

22 Ways To Get Clear About Life’s Confusion

Life can be confusing at times, leaving you feeling lost and unsure of what to do next. If you can relate to this and would like some guidance, here are 22 ways to help you get clear about life’s confusion so you can navigate through it with more clarity and confidence.

1. Be Mindful

I mentioned that one of the best ways to deal with confusion about life is to be curious and open.

Holding space for something is a mindfulness technique that I learned while I was going through my own confusion about life.

Mindfulness is about being present and aware of what is going on internally and around you.

Mindfulness may help you reduce confusion by increasing your awareness of what is happening in the present moment.

It is a practice of non-attachment that can help you develop a sense of compassion for yourself and others.

When you practice mindfulness regularly, you develop a curiosity and awareness of things, even when they’re difficult, so you’re less likely to attach emotions to them and anchor them internally.

It’s a gentle practice that can help you step back from the feeling, see it from a non-attached perspective, and gain a better understanding of it.

2. Be Self-Aware

If you want to feel less confused about life, you can practice being more self-aware.

From personal experience, I found that practicing self-awareness while interacting with others helps me gain valuable insights about myself through my thoughts and actions.

If interacting with others doesn’t sound appealing, you can try the following techniques to become more self-aware:

  1. Journaling
  2. Moving your body
  3. Meditating
  4. Getting honest feedback from others

3. Know Yourself Better

Another helpful way to sort through confusion is to get to know yourself better.

Knowing who you truly are not only helps you gain more clarity about yourself, it can help you lead a life that feels more meaningful and authentic.

4. Ask Yourself Questions

Asking yourself the right questions is another way to sort through the confusion. Knowing what to ask of yourself could help you get more clear about who you are, your thought process, and how you behave.

5. Be Your Authentic Self

Though it’s not always easy, being your authentic self is one way to gain more clarity by living a life that feels genuine and honest.

6. Find Your Purpose

Your purpose in life is the reason for doing what you do. It can act as your guide and compass when you feel lost or confused.

I remember when I was going through my own confusion about life and began my own journey to find my purpose.

Not only did it give me more direction and focus, it helped me through tough times and gave me a reason to get up every morning.

Woman writing her purpose in life on her desk.

7. Find Your Identity

Your identity is what makes you who you are. Finding your identity can help you gain more clarity through life’s confusion because when you know where you come from, you get a better sense of yourself, how you’re connected to other people, and your connection to the world.

8. Self-Reflection

One of the most effective ways to navigate through life’s confusion is through self-reflection.

Taking time to reflect on your life through your thoughts, feelings, and actions can help you gain more clarity.

My favorite way to self-reflect is through journaling. I usually write a page each morning as a way to get my thoughts out of my head and clear my mind.

You can also try:

  • Meditation
  • Taking a walk
  • Doing something that puts you in the zone

During self-reflection, it’s important to be honest with yourself and acknowledge anything that comes up, whether negative or positive.

This will allow you to sort through the chaos and organize your thoughts so you gain more focus & direction.

9. Take a Self-Discovery Journey

Embarking on a self-discovery journey is a great way to get to know yourself and have more clarity about who you are.

Self-discovery can also help you live a life that feels aligned with your authentic self.

You can embark on a self-discovery journey by asking yourself some questions like:

  1. What are my favorite places to eat?
  2. Where do I like to relax and unwind?
  3. What makes me feel alive?
  4. Am I a glass-half-empty or half-full person?
  5. When someone compliments me how do I react?
Woman beginning to write self-discovery questions.

10. Follow Your Bliss

The late Joseph Campbell said to follow your bliss if you desire a sense of belonging within yourself and in the world.

It’s one of the first things I did when I was confused about life because I had no idea what to do or where to turn. 

I did this instinctively because it was easy and involved following the things that made me feel happy and joyful.

During my journey of finding my bliss, I developed a sense of curiosity that helped me become more clear about who I was and my purpose in life.

Following your bliss is a simple way to gain clarity through exploration, curiosity, and discovery.

11. Find What Makes You Happy

Finding what makes you happy is a simple and powerful way to get to know yourself better and have more clarity.

To find what makes you happy, observe what brings a smile to your face or what lights you up inside as you go about your day.

Then, create time in your schedule to do them regularly. You can even make this a lifelong practice. 

12. Figure Out What Your Soul Wants

A subtle but powerful way to help you navigate through life’s confusion is by figuring out what your soul wants.

You can do this by getting in touch with your spiritual side and knowing what lifts up your spirits.

Or you can find out what your soul wants by connecting to your higher self, trusting your gut, and following your intuition.

5-minute journaling to find your higher purpose in life.

13. Make A List Of Passions

You can make a list of passions, which are things that you have a keen interest in, to help you gain more clarity about your life.

A passion can be a hobby or an interest like hiking through nature, playing a musical instrument, or collecting stamps.

It can be a great starting point for sorting through life’s confusion and gaining more clarity about what you want to do with your life.

Woman reading on the couch as one of her list of passions

14. Shadow Work Prompts

If you’re up for it, you can try doing shadow work to help you know the shadow, or hidden parts, of yourself.

You can start by answering some shadow work prompts like:

  • What is something I like to do that I keep hidden from others?
  • What is something about myself that I don’t like to share with others?
  • What are my regrets in life and what would I do differently?

Shadow work can be hard, but it can also help you become clear about all parts of yourself.

15. Make A List Of Core Values

Knowing what your core values are can help you gain more clarity about yourself and feel less confused about life.

Your values are the things that are most important to you and they are often things in life you prioritize, such as:

  • Family
  • Health
  • Money
  • Creativity
  • Ambition
  • Recognition
  • Education

What you value can influence the way you think, speak, behave, and make decisions, so this could be a starting point for gaining more clarity.

If you want to know your values, make a list and pick from your top 1 to 3. Then use this information to help you set goals that can give your life more direction & focus.

Pic of Christine and Noah in Cambria

16. Own Who You Are

If you feel confused because you think you’re living someone else’s life, you can start by owning who you are

Owning who you are takes courage because it involves embracing your true self. However, owning yourself can be liberating because you allow yourself to be who you are and live a life that feels authentic to you.

17. Live Simply

There’s a saying that goes, “Less is more.” This is true in many aspects because having less stuff to deal with means having less confusion.

When you have a lot of stuff, it can be difficult to manage. By reducing your possessions, you give yourself more clarity.

One way to do this is to live simply. Living simply gives you more time, energy, and resources to spend on the things that matter most to you.

Living a simple life can help you clear confusion by reducing all types of clutter, physical & non-physical.

18. Declutter Your Space

Decluttering your mental and physical space can help you sort through life’s confusion and think & breathe easier.

It’s easier to handle life’s confusion when you have less stuff occupying space in your head and in your home.

19. Stop Living In The Past

If you ever find yourself caught up in stories of the past, it can cause some confusion and overwhelm.

I get caught up in my own stories of the past sometimes and it makes me feel confused because it brings up old feelings and memories and mixes them with the present.

One of the best ways I discovered to stop living in the past is by practicing meditation. A simple meditation practice you can start is by focusing on the breath.

This type of meditation can help you clear your mind by bringing your attention to your breath whenever your mind wanders.

It helps you reduce confusion by focusing on the present moment and on the things that really matter.

20. Seeking Guidance

Trying to figure out why you’re confused can be overwhelming, so you can always ask someone for help if you don’t have the tools or resources to help yourself.

Be sure to ask someone you trust who will truly be able to help you out. This can be a family member, friend, or professional.

It is important to choose someone who is supportive, non-judgmental, listens actively, and offers constructive feedback.

21. Embracing Uncertainty

Embracing uncertainty can be scary, but it can help you as you navigate through life’s confusion.

It allows you to let go of control and allow things to take their course naturally. I personally have a hard time embracing uncertainty and letting go of control.

However, when I let go, I usually feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders, and can breathe better, which helps me feel less confined and confused.

22. Hit The Reset Button

When you feel lost and confused about life you can always start over and hit the reset button.

Here are several ways to reset your life:

  • Decluttering and simplifying your life.
  • Practicing mindfulness.
  • Creating a life makeover plan.
  • Moving to a new place.
  • Getting a new job.

By making small changes in your life such as practicing mindfulness, being more aware, and reducing excess, you can become less confused about life.

These small changes could lead to a greater understanding of what confusion means and insights into why there is confusion about life.

Insights On What It Means To Be Confused.

Being confused doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong. I remember going through a period of major confusion at one point in my life.

I had a job that paid well, I was at an age where I felt generally comfortable about my place in life, and I had no real reason to complain about anything.

Yet my job wasn’t as fulfilling as it used to be, my body was going through age-related changes, and I was feeling unsettled.

Looking back, it was my mind and body’s way of telling me that something in my life needed to change, which is why I was confused.

This is why I’m sharing my insights on what it means to be confused. It would have felt empowering and tremendously helpful to know that I wasn’t alone, confusion could happen at any stage in life, it’s normal to have these feelings, and it’s temporary.

1. Lack Of Self-Awareness

Lacking self-awareness of things such as your strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes, thoughts, and actions can leave you feeling confused.

Lacking self-awareness made it hard for me to:

  • Align my goals with my true desires
  • Process my thoughts and behavior
  • Navigate through life with confidence and clarity. 

Cultivating a greater sense of self-awareness can help you connect to yourself and others in a way that feels authentic and meaningful.

Woman sitting in park with a lack of self awareness.

2. Not Knowing Yourself

Not knowing yourself can leave you feeling confused, disconnected, and dissatisfied because you don’t have a clear sense of who you are as a person.

There could be many reasons why you don’t know yourself such as:

  • Lack of introspection
  • Lack of time
  • Lacking resources to find yourself
  • Having fear of knowing oneself
  • Being a people pleaser
  • Not having support
  • Being in a situation beyond your control

Just know that it’s not your fault and it’s okay if you don’t know yourself very well. As I mentioned earlier, you can start getting to know yourself with simple habits like journaling, meditating, or following your bliss.

3. Feeling Lost In Life

Feeling lost in life can leave you with a sense of confusion and uncertainty. You might feel:

  • Frustrated
  • Stuck
  • Unsure
  • Aimless
  • Isolated
  • Insignificant
  • Overwhelmed
  • Doubtful

It is important to remember that these feelings are temporary & valid and with time and effort, you will find your way back to yourself again.

4. Lacking Direction And Focus

Many people experience a sense of confusion about their lives, often feeling like they lack direction and focus.

This can be a frustrating and overwhelming experience that can lead to a sense of being pulled in multiple directions and feeling like you’re not making progress toward your goals.

Without a clear sense of what you want to achieve, you can feel lost and unsure about what steps to take next. This can lead to a sense of aimlessness and a feeling that life is passing you by.

5. Not Knowing What To Do With Your Life

Many people experience confusion and uncertainty about their life path, including not knowing what to do with their life.

One reason for this confusion could be the many options available in today’s world. With the internet and globalization, people have access to a vast array of careers and lifestyles that were not available in the past.

While it’s nice to have options, it can be a frustrating and stressful experience. It is important to remember, however, that it’s normal, many people go through this at some point in their lives, and it is okay to not have everything figured out right away.

6. Feeling Like You Don’t Belong

Many people experience a sense of not belonging at some point in their lives. This feeling can be triggered by a variety of factors, such as:

  • moving to a new place
  • starting a new job
  • or experiencing a major life change.

When someone feels like they don’t belong, they may feel like they are on the outside looking in.

They may feel like they are different from everyone else, and that they don’t fit in with the people around them. This feeling can be accompanied by a sense of isolation and loneliness.

Feeling like you don’t belong can be a difficult experience, but it is important to remember that it is a common feeling that many people go through.

It is also important to recognize that this feeling is often temporary and can be overcome with time and effort.

Seeking out support from friends, family, or a therapist can also be helpful in navigating a difficult experience such as this.

7. Believing There’s Something Wrong With You

Many people experience confusion in life and often feel like there’s something wrong with them.

This belief can stem from various sources, such as childhood experiences, societal expectations, or personal insecurities.

Know that it’s not your fault for feeling this way and that you can do something about it.

To overcome the belief that there’s something wrong with you, practice self-compassion and self-acceptance regularly. 

Focus on your strengths and accomplishments and recognize that you are worthy of loving yourself.

8. Believing You’re Not Good At Anything

Many people go through phases in life believing they are not good at anything. This can be a result of comparing themselves to others, feeling like they have not found their passion, or simply feeling like they are not naturally talented in any particular area.

It is important to remember that everyone has value and worth, regardless of their perceived talents or abilities.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and can overcome this limiting belief with dedication and hard work

It’s important to focus on progress rather than perfection because it keeps you open to exploring different hobbies, discovering new interests, and engaging in activities you haven’t tried yet.

9. Having Clutter

When you have so many things to do and think about, it can be hard to focus on any one thing. This can lead to feelings of overwhelm and confusion.

It’s important to remember that clutter can come in many forms, not just physical clutter. Mental clutter, such as worry or anxiety, can also be overwhelming and confusing.

As I mentioned before, you can have more clarity and focus by living simply and practicing mindfulness to declutter your mind and physical space.

By simplifying your life in this way, it can become easier to focus on what is truly important and bring peace and calm into your life.

A room full of clutter.

10. Lack Of Resources

When I was going through my own episode of confusion, I didn’t know who to turn to because the experience was new, scary, and tinged with a little guilt.

I also didn’t know I lacked inner resources & tools to help me process what was happening and that it was normal and human to feel the way I did.

11. Micromanaging Life

I found that trying to control my life too much led to my confusion because focusing on a particular outcome and not having it come to fruition was frustrating.

This created a domino effect on my emotions, which affected my train of thought, and caused me to become confused.

Since then I learned how to surrender and let go when life gets confusing and overwhelming.

I also learned that confusion is something that you can experience at any point in life, even if you’ve experienced it before, you “have it all figured out”, and you have the tools to help you deal with it.

12. Lack Of Time

Another reason why we are confused could be a lack of time.

My husband worked full time and I was working 4 days a week as a dental hygienist. I didn’t have time to deal with my confusion because we had a family of 5 to support and we’d often come home exhausted.

But the longer I waited to address my feelings, the more confused I got and the more it started affecting other aspects of my life.

I know now that I would have had clarity and peace of mind sooner rather than later If I had just nipped it in the bud, but hindsight is 20/20. 

If you find yourself so busy that you can’t deal with your emotions right now, it’s not your fault. 

Remember that you can empower yourself by taking one tiny step in the direction of clarity through simple habits like self-reflection, self-awareness, and introspection.

13. Conditions Beyond Our Control

Some of the reasons why we might have confusion could be issues that are beyond our control, such as mental health issues or a physical condition that impedes us from normal activities.

Mental Health

A mental health condition could be something that is causing confusion and is beyond your control.

If a person’s mental health is affected, it can influence how they think and process their emotions, which could lead to further confusion.

It is essential to address these feelings properly and seek help if necessary, such as a therapist or counselor, to help process emotions and develop coping mechanisms.

Physical Capabilities

Not having a full range of physical abilities might or might not be directly causing confusion, but it’s not something you have control over, so it should not be culpable as a source of confusion.

Like mental health, it needs to be addressed and properly cared for to stop further confusion.

14. Theories On Life’s Confusion Based On Psychology

I remember reading about these theories when I was going through my journey of self-discovery.

They were interesting but I didn’t agree with them 100% because I noticed that some were developed through a particular lens while others seemed self-prescribed and anecdotal.

Regardless of this, I did find the core of them universally relatable & interesting and could perhaps provide some explanation for our confusion.


Existentialism is a philosophical theory developed by the Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard. It emphasizes individual existence, freedom, and choice.

It suggests that life is inherently confusing because humans must create their own meaning and purpose in a world that is inherently meaningless.

According to this theory, people must confront the absurdity of existence and take responsibility for their own actions and decisions.


Absurdism is a philosophical theory by Albert Camus that suggests that the human search for meaning is futile because the universe is inherently irrational and meaningless.

It proposes that life is confusing because humans try to impose their own order and meaning on a world that is inherently chaotic.

According to this theory, the only response to life’s confusion is to embrace the absurdity of existence and live in the present moment.


Nihilism is a philosophical term coined by Fredrich Jacobi and is a theory that suggests that life has no inherent meaning or value.

It proposes that life is confusing because humans try to find meaning in a world that is inherently meaningless.

According to this theory, the only response to life’s confusion is to reject all values and beliefs and embrace a life of pure freedom.

These three theories offer different explanations for life’s confusion and each one can help people make sense of the confusion in their own lives.

Each theory can offer a reason why there is unique perspective on the human experience and can help people make sense of the confusion they may feel in their own lives.

Like your journey through life, confusion is not linear. It’s got ups & downs and twists & turns. Just remember to ride along with the waves as they come.


Confusion about life is a common experience that many people face at some point in their lives. It can manifest in a variety of ways, such as feeling lost, uncertain, or overwhelmed.

Regardless of the cause, it can be a challenging and uncomfortable experience to navigate through life’s confusion.

It’s helpful to remember that life is a journey, and it is okay to not have everything figured out all at once.

Being open to understanding your confusion and taking small steps to gain more clarity & control of your life can leave you open to new experiences, opportunities, personal growth, and fulfillment.

More Ways To Navigate Through Life’s Confusion.

If you need more tools to navigate through life’s confusion and gain a sense of clarity & sense of belonging, check this post on How To Figure Out What You Want In Life.

If you read through this entire article and you need to know what steps to take next, download my free PDF and read How To Become The Person You Always Wanted To Be.

Finally, if you just want to start over, download some helpful PDFs and try creating a Life Makeover Plan to help you reset and take control of your life.

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