To be your best self, you need to assess the following areas of life:
- Physical – eat, hydrate, sleep, exercise
- Emotional – confidence, acceptance, gratitude, happiness
- Social – friends, family, support
- Financial – savings, budget, retirement
- Spiritual – purpose, faith, kindness
- Mental – meditation, mindset, awareness, values
- Occupational (or Vocational) – passions, dreams
- Environmental – decluttering, minimalism
These 8 major areas of life can be optimized to help you become your best self in a way that feels balanced, healthy, and happy.
Discover 25 helpful tips to become the best version of yourself, why it’s important to be your best self and more!
1. Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is crucial for your physical well-being. It helps you maintain your energy level, supports digestion, and keeps your body functioning properly.
Drinking enough water throughout the day can help prevent dehydration, which may cause fatigue and impair cognitive function.
Carrying a reusable water bottle is a great way to ensure you receive adequate water and can serve as a visual reminder to stay hydrated.
2. Get Enough Rest
Getting enough rest is essential for optimal health and performance. One of the best ways is to get enough sleep to allow your body and mind to recover, repair, and recharge.
Establish a consistent sleep schedule each night by going to bed at the same time if possible.
You can also take more breaks or a quick nap during the day to help you get more rest as you go about your daily activities.
3. Eat Healthily
Eating healthily is a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle but is not always easy.
I struggle to get enough vegetables, fruits, and whole foods every day. The easiest way to eat healthier, I found, is to make green smoothies for each day of the workweek.
I make a large batch before the week begins, freeze them in individual containers, and thaw & drink them as the week goes on until they’re all consumed.

It’s okay if green smoothies are not for you. The key is to be consistent and build your healthy eating habits over time.
Check out the sample table of healthy eating choices down below.
Mealtime | Healthy Choices |
Breakfast | Oatmeal, berries, yogurt |
Lunch | Grilled chicken, green salad, quinoa |
Dinner | Baked fish, steamed vegetables, brown rice |
Snacks | Nuts, fruits, low-fat cheese, whole-grain crackers |
4. Exercise
Regular exercise can benefit your health. It can maintain a healthy weight, improve mood, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Being physically active may even “enhance self-connection through building confidence, independence, and/or positive body image to accept internal values and goals”. –Eur J Psychol Klussman et al
Here are some examples of exercises to try:
- Cardiovascular exercise: Running, swimming, cycling, walking
- Strength training: Weightlifting, resistance bands, bodyweight exercises
- Flexibility exercise: Yoga, stretching, Pilates
Setting aside time in a busy schedule and finding activities that are enjoyable encourage consistency and motivation on the journey to be your best self.
5. Embrace Imperfection
Everyone has flaws, challenges, failures, and setbacks, even those who seem perfect.
It’s essential to accept imperfections as part of being perfectly human. Instead of focusing on your insecurities, try to place your attention on your unique qualities.
Over time, this may help you develop compassion & love for yourself so you’re more likely to strive for your best.
6. Boost Your Confidence
Boosting your confidence can help you become your best self by raising your self-esteem. When your self-esteem is high, you feel good about yourself.
One way to boost your confidence is through self-affirmation. Affirm your good qualities by saying them to yourself consistently on a daily basis.
Remember to celebrate your personal achievements and milestones on your journey to being your best self so you can give your confidence a boost.
Keep track of how you feel by journaling about your emotions and any changes in your mood, thoughts, and behavior.
7. Practice Gratitude
Practicing gratitude on a daily basis can help you appreciate what you already have, which increases your feeling of abundance and joy.
When you count your blessings, you take notice of the little things in your life that make you feel happy.
You can start with a gratitude journal or by saying thanks for just one thing every day. If you’re up to it, you can challenge yourself to write down 3 things you’re grateful for and even say thanks to others as a way of expressing your gratitude.

This practice can help you accept yourself where you are right now, on your journey to being your best self.
8. Find What Makes You Happy
To be your best, you need to find what makes you happy because it is a state of being that can help you determine if you’re in a good place.
Finding happiness involves discovering your passions, exploring your interests, and focusing on what brings you joy & contentment.
Invest your time and energy into activities that make you genuinely happy and don’t be afraid to try new things.
Be sure to take the time to do things you love so you can achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life that can lead to personal growth and provide a renewed sense of purpose.
9. Hang Around Positive People
It’s essential to surround yourself with people who inspire and uplift you because their energy & vibe can rub off on you.
On the flip side, people who are constantly putting you down or neglecting you can have a negative effect on you.
Being around generally optimistic people can help you cultivate a positive attitude, boost your self-esteem, and grow socially.
10. Have A Good Support System
Having a good support system is integral to becoming the best version of yourself because no one can navigate through life by themself.
A strong, supportive network of family, friends, and people you spend time with can be there when you need advice, comfort, or motivation.
11. Create Boundaries
Establishing healthy boundaries in your relationships is important for your personal well-being.
Setting clear and firm boundaries ensures self-preservation while maintaining healthy relationships with those around you.
It can protect you against toxic individuals and situations that could possibly hinder your health & personal development.
Creating boundaries can help you stay true to yourself while engaging in experiences & interactions that enrich your life.
12. Create A Budget
Creating a budget is essential to keeping your finances healthy and in check. Consider using a spreadsheet or an app to track and categorize your expenses.
You can make a very simple one from spreadsheets or create your own simple table such as the one below:
Category | Amount ($) | Notes |
Rent/Mortgage | 1200 | Essential |
Groceries | 300 | Essential |
Savings | 200 | Goal-oriented |
Entertainment | 100 | Discretionary |
13. Create A Life Plan
Designing a life plan can help align your values with your desires & dreams. State your values, such as family, money, and health, and use them to prioritize your tasks.
Think about what you want to accomplish and work backward by breaking your goals down into manageable micro-goals.
Create realistic timelines, like the list below, and plan your goals accordingly.
- Short-term goals (1-12 months)
- Medium-term goals (1-2 years)
- Long-term goals (5+ years)
Download this helpful life planner worksheet so you can easily map out your dreams & goals:
14. Live Simply
Living simply means embracing a more minimalistic lifestyle to achieve freedom and peace of mind.
By adopting a simple approach to life, you can focus on what really matters and reduce unnecessary expenses & possessions.
Start by decluttering physical items that are no longer needed and either sell or donate them.
Then you can work on decluttering mentally, emotionally, socially, or in any area of life that needs simplifying.
15. Find Your Higher Purpose
Discovering your higher purpose can help you lead a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.
In my experience, purpose involves being in service to others. You can start by reflecting on your values, skills & interests.
Then align them together to create your purpose in life to help others and experience personal growth & fulfillment.
16. Connect With Your Spirit
Connecting with your spiritual side is essential to maintaining balance and inner peace. There are numerous ways to do this:
- Meditation: Dedicate time to quiet your mind and focus on your inner self. Meditation enables you to listen to your intuition and wisdom.
- Prayer: Whatever your faith, prayer can be a powerful tool to communicate with your higher self, helping you connect with your spiritual self.
- Mindfulness: Cultivate mindfulness by being present in each moment. This practice can help you embrace yourself fully while learning non-attachment & compassion.
Remember, spirituality looks different for everyone. Honor your unique journey and allow yourself to connect with your spirit in a way that resonates with you.
17. Acts Of Kindness
Practicing acts of kindness to yourself or others can enrich you spiritually. Simple gestures like giving yourself a pat on the back or smiling at a stranger can make a significant impact.
Here are some examples of acts of kindness:
- Offer to help someone with their groceries
- Leave a kind note for a friend or stranger
- Say hello to someone
- Smile at someone as you pass by
- Say something nice to yourself
These small yet meaningful acts can elevate yourself and others. Showing love and kindness is a practical way to live by your values and build a stronger connection with yourself & the world around you.
18. Meditation
Meditation is a powerful tool for enhancing focus and tranquility. Allocating a few minutes each day to meditate can improve your mental well-being.

You don’t have to sit in a quiet place to meditate. The goal of meditation is to help you focus on the present moment, which you can do with just about any activity that you enjoy.
Here are some examples:
- Walking
- Cleaning
- Swimming
- Reading
- Writing
- Shopping
- Eating
19. Become More Self-Aware
Self-awareness is noticing what is happening in front of you and is essential for personal growth.
If you lack self-awareness, it can be hard to learn from your experiences because you are not connected to yourself.
If you want to increase your self-awareness, you can start by asking yourself questions like:
- What do I like and dislike?
- What are my dreams and aspirations?
- What is my dream job?
- What are my strengths and weaknesses?
- Where do I see myself in 5 years?
It’s also helpful & powerful to be self-aware when you’re interacting with someone because you learn how your thoughts & feelings can affect your behavior in the present moment.
By practicing self-awareness regularly, you can learn to adapt & reframe your thoughts and behavior in real-time to benefit yourself and others.
20. Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the practice of non-attachment and compassion for yourself and others.
Incorporating mindfulness into daily life can be a valuable tool to help you become more present and gain a deeper connection with yourself, others, & your environment.
Here are some things to keep in mind when you’re practicing mindfulness:
- Be present: notice your thoughts & feelings but don’t attach to them.
- Let go: Observe your feelings, thoughts, and sensations without judgment. Simply let them go after you notice them.
- Accept: Accept & embrace yourself and others where you are right now in mind, body, & spirit. This helps you increase compassion for yourself and others.
21. Make a List of Values
It’s important to identify your values because it can help you prioritize the most important things in your life and set healthy boundaries.
Creating a list of values can help you better align your actions with your beliefs. Here’s a table to help you get started:
Area of Life | Core Values |
Job | Accountability, ambition |
Education | Knowledge, creativity |
Relationships | Trust, loyalty |
22. Find Your Passion
Finding your passion and working in the field of your passion can lead to your personal happiness and satisfaction.
Your passions are things that you truly love and you do them on a regular basis. Here is a list of passions to give you an idea:
- Collecting art
- Playing tennis
- Kayaking
- Tutoring others
- Caring for the elderly
Passions can also be hobbies, interests, or something you do for a living like teaching, medicine, or creating art.
23. Figure Out Your Dream Job
Once know you your passion in life, you can use it to figure out your dream job if it aligns with doing something for a living.
This might involve:
- Researching various industries and career paths
- Speaking with professionals in desirable fields
- Gaining necessary skills through education or training
Here’s a table to help you figure out your dream career.
8 Ways to Identify Your Dream Job | |
1. List personal strengths | 5. Attend workshops or conferences |
2. Identify desired industries | 6. Network with people in desired field(s) |
3. Research potential careers | 7. Seek internships or volunteer opportunities |
4. Obtain relevant education | 8. Apply for open positions |
24. Declutter Your Space
A well-organized space can help you feel more in control by reducing excess. Taking the time to declutter your surroundings involves removing unnecessary items.
Organizing your personal space and getting rid of belongings you no longer need can have a profound impact on your overall health.
Even simple tasks like tossing junk mail, making your bed each morning, or regularly washing dishes can contribute to a sense of order and stability.
To create a space where you can breathe better, consider implementing a system by which items are consistently put away or thrown away when no longer needed.
This can be achieved by following these simple steps:
- Sort items: Divide belongings into categories, such as trash, donations, and keep.
- Organize possessions: Allocate a specific place for each item.
- Maintain cleanliness: Regularly clean and tidy up to maintain an orderly space.
25. Become a Minimalist
Embracing minimalism can help improve your life in numerous ways such as embracing your imperfections, accepting your flaws, and being intentional with what you consume.
Minimalism is an approach that encourages people to focus on what truly matters in life while eliminating unnecessary belongings, activities, and relationships.
By adopting a minimalist lifestyle, individuals often experience less stress, increased freedom, and improved mental clarity.
Some ideas to become a minimalist include:
- Pare down belongings: Assess the necessity and function of each item in your space. Keep only what is essential and donate or discard the rest.
- Opt for quality over quantity: Invest in high-quality items that will last long and serve their purpose effectively.
- Simplify daily routines: Reduce commitments and events in your calendar, focusing on the most important and meaningful activities.
In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to find time to be your best self, which is all the more reason why you need to make more time for yourself.
When you take the time to be the best version of yourself, you can create a life that feels healthier and more balanced & fulfilling.
What it means to be your best self
Being your best self means incorporating daily habits and routines geared toward self-improvement to foster personal growth.
You set achievable goals that help you create sustainable habits that will enhance and enrich your life.
That’s why it’s important to devote time to your self-care so that you’re coming from a place that is fulfilling. It can help you become the best version of yourself so you can better serve others.
Why it’s important to be your best self
It’s important to be your best self because you are better able to carry out your daily tasks and serve others when you’re at your best.
When you’re functioning at an optimal level, you’re better able to come up with solutions to problems and can pool internal resources when faced with challenges, according to the broaden and build theory.
Broaden and build theory
The broaden and build theory was created by social psychologist & researcher Barbara L Fredrickson. There are 2 functions:
- Positive emotions can momentarily broaden a person’s thoughts & actions.
- Positive emotions can build a person’s resources & promote well-being.
How 10 positive emotions can broaden a person’s thought-action repertoire:
Emotion | Function |
Joy | Play |
Gratitude | Creative giving |
Serenity | Savor & integrate |
Interest | Exploration |
Hope | Yearn for positive change |
Pride | Dream big |
Amusement | Shared laughter, insight |
Inspiration | Aspire to excellence |
Awe | Accommodate the new |
Love | All of the above |
How positive emotions can build resources in 8 areas of life:
Resource | Outcome |
Physical | Develop coordination, develop strength & cardiovascular health, promote longevity, increase odds of survival & reproductive success |
Intellectual | Increase problem solving, create opportunities to learn new information |
Social | Solidify bonds, make new bonds |
Psychological | Develop resilience & optimism, develop asense of identity, and goal orientation |
Spiritual | Create a sense of purpose, increase compassion to yourself and others |
Emotional | Undo physiological & lingering effects of negative emotions |
Environmental | Altruism, community transformation |
Occupational | Greater optimism, greater problem solving, feel good about the future, find positive meaning in life experiences |
More ways to be your best self
If you want more tips on becoming your best self, take it from this round-up of experts & bloggers, “Self-care tips for busy people from 10 experts and bloggers.”
To level your health and wellness, read 11 simple ways to establish a healthy morning routine.
Finally, learn 25 ways to glow up mentally, physically, and spiritually to improve and transform your life.
I hope you enjoyed these tips to become your best self. Please let me know what you think in the comments!