Boost your confidence.


Self-confidence is something many people struggle with, myself included.  It might seem like it comes naturally to some, while others struggle with it.

This is because when you look at your social media feeds, it looks like everyone has loads of self-confidence judging by the way the pictures and videos portray their lives.

Or when you see how people are portrayed in the media, what you see is perfection and our obsession with it.

What we don't realize is that it's all a false perception of reality.  You only see is a snapshot of a person's life, or a perceived reality, not the whole picture.

The truth is, life is imperfect, messy, and unpredictable.  The more we can embrace this reality, the more we can accept ourselves, and the easier it will be to boost your confidence.

In this post, I will go over how you can become more confident in yourself in practical but powerful ways.  You won't build your confidence by reading one article about it.

It can be a slow process because most people have layers of limiting beliefs about themselves and it takes time to release them.  I want you to know that it's not an innate ability limited to a select few.

You can become more confident in yourself by learning some simple confidence-building skills that you can use every day.

Boost your confidence.

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You can practice these exercises, which build self-confidence, on a daily basis to improve your self-esteem.  They don’t take up too much time, so you can do them as you go about your day.

Studies have shown that boosting your confidence before completing a task that feels difficult can enhance performance and wellbeing, like prepping yourself for a big exam in school.


Your physical posture can make a difference in your self-confidence.  The power pose, according to Amy Cuddy, is one way to boost your self-confidence.

To do the power pose, you need to stand in a "high-power position", like standing with your back straight with hands on your hips, for two minutes, which trains your mind and body to feel more confident.

Although some have claimed that the power pose doesn’t actually work, Cuddy conducted further studies that show a positive correlation between expansive postures and feeling more powerful.

So the next time you need to boost your confidence, try a power pose.


If you want to boost your confidence, remember to celebrate your wins, no matter how small they are.

Oftentimes, we are afraid to celebrate our joy because we're scared we'll be chastised or something bad will happen.  Brene Brown talks about it in her book, "DARING GREATLY", and calls it "foreboding joy".

Foreboding joy is a coping mechanism to protect ourselves from the possibility of getting hurt when we experience intense positive emotions.  In reality, this way of thinking only makes us suffer more.

When you allow yourself to feel positive emotions like joy, you're more likely to experience more of them and they will only build upon themselves, according to the "broaden and build theory" of positive emotions.

Does this mean you ignore your unpleasant emotions in favor of the positive ones?  Of course not.

When you celebrate your wins, you're giving yourself permission to feel more positive emotions like joy, love, and confidence.

Allowing yourself to experience positive emotions, as well as unpleasant ones, can help you become more resilient when you experience setbacks & challenges in life.


Your core beliefs can affect your reality and influence the way you think, feel, and act.  This is true even for limiting beliefs, which are beliefs about yourself that hold you back and limit you.

Here are some examples:

  • I am too old.
  • I don't have the skills.
  • I'm not an expert.
  • I don't have a degree.
  • I'm afraid of what people might think of me.

You can start releasing your limiting beliefs by writing them down.  Ask yourself how they're keeping you from doing what you want in life.

Once you become aware of your limiting beliefs, you start to shift from a self-doubt mindset to more empowering beliefs about yourself.


Learning to say no and setting boundaries may seem like you’re cutting yourself off from people you care about.

But if you know that something is too much for you to take on, set limitations for yourself so you don’t become overwhelmed or stressed out.

This prevents you from committing to things you don’t really want to and stretching yourself too thin.

Once you know what your limits are, you're more likely to have realistic expectations of yourself, thus improving your confidence in yourself.


You can try some powerful, daily affirmations every day to help boost your self-confidence.  Self-affirmations are positive acts you do for yourself and can help boost your confidence and raise your self-esteem.

When you're writing down a positive affirmation, be sure they're clear, specific, and in the present tense.  Here are some examples:

  • I am worthy.
  • I approve of myself.
  • I accept where I am in life.
  • I am intelligent & beautiful.
  • I am more than enough.

You want to say your affirmations to yourself each day.  It might feel like a struggle at first because you might have limiting beliefs about yourself.  But over time, they'll feel more true for you.

TIP:  I try to keep my affirmations simple and connect with them emotionally so that they are more effective at helping me boost my confidence.


When you practice self-compassion, you are more likely to accept your imperfections and embrace your flaws.  You know that life is about learning from your mistakes rather than striving to be perfect all the time.

Studies have shown that people who are compassionate toward themselves were more likely to accept their roles in negative situations without being weighed down by difficult emotions.

Self-compassion will make you more resilient when you have setbacks, when you are fearful, or when you doubt yourself.  You have more confidence that everything will be okay, even if it doesn't work out the way you planned.


This is something that I struggle with myself.  I sometimes doubt the choices and decisions I make, especially when someone or something comes along to challenge my beliefs.  Or when I have to make a potentially life-changing decision.

On the other hand, my self-confidence levels up when someone pats me on the back, pays me a compliment or simply says hello.

Self-confidence is a belief in yourself, even if you know that your skills are not up to par.  Simply put, self-confidence is the belief or perception you have about yourself and your abilities.

Having self-confidence can make you feel like you can conquer anything.  Even if you know that your skills are lacking.   You are more likely to venture out of your comfort zone if you are more confident in yourself.

If you make a mistake or someone criticizes you, you have the resilience not to take it too personally and take it as a lesson or constructive criticism.  You also accept your limitations and are more realistic in what you are able to accomplish.

On the other hand, if your self-confidence is low, you may find that you're comparing yourself to others or judging yourself.  You might have a hard time saying no, so you over-commit yourself or overachieve to compensate for your lack of self-confidence.

You’re afraid to take risks because you don’t want to look like a failure or disappoint others.


Having low self-confidence can add to your anxiety.  The combination of low self-confidence and anxiety can stifle your personal growth and keep you from going after what you want.

If the anxiety is too much for you to handle, seek the help of a professional, such as a therapist or a licensed psychologist.

Self-confidence is essential for personal achievement and growth.  Confidence gives you the courage to venture out of your comfort zone so you can create new experiences.

You're less likely to criticize yourself or judge yourself and other people.  You also have greater trust in your abilities to accomplish what you set your mind to.

Confidence is important because it can affect your performance by enhancing it, according to the studies.  If you were given a situation where you were expected to fail, and your confidence level was low, your performance could be negatively affected.

On the other hand, if you believe in yourself and you have confidence in yourself, then it can shoot up, and so can your performance.

It requires discipline to build confidence in yourself, but it can be done with simple, daily habits.

"We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves." - Marie Curie


Self-confidence is a belief that you have in yourself, regardless of your abilities.  Even if you make mistakes or have setbacks, you will be more likely to accept them if you have confidence in yourself.

You can learn simple skills that help boost your confidence every day, like doing a power pose, letting go of your limiting beliefs, and celebrating your small wins.

Having confidence in yourself can help become a better version of yourself so you can grow and transform your life.

I hope you found these tips to boost your self-confidence helpful.  Do you have any tips to share for boosting your confidence?  Let me know in the comments section!

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