I came across an interesting paper on values titled, “A Short List Of Universal Moral Values” by Kinnier et al., 2000.
In it, the authors argued that on one hand, having a universal standard of values gives us a set of rules to live by, like the proverbial Golden Rule, that tells us to do unto others as you’d like them to do unto you.
On the other hand, it could mean centering and enforcing dominant culture values that are disguised as universally moral values.
With these in mind, the authors nevertheless created the following short list of values as a guide to help improve lives, showcase similarities between cultures, governments, & religions across the globe, and be amended or changed as the world evolves.
I agree that you can choose & uphold any value that you resonate with to create a better world in and around you while acknowledging & respecting the core values of others.
A Short List Of Universal Moral Values (With Examples Of Core Values).
I. Commitment To Something Greater Than Oneself.

- Recognize the existence of and be committed to a Supreme Being, higher principle, transcendent purpose or meaning to one’s existence.
- To seek the Truth (or truths).
- To seek Justice.
Service to others | Allegiance | Devotion |
Altruism | Commitment | Cohesion |
Integrity | Responsibility | Persistence |
Constancy | Empathy | Collaboration |
Loyalty | Courage | Compassion |
Fidelity | Selflessness | Humility |
Accountability | Generosity |
II. Self-Respect, But With Humility, Self-Discipline, And Acceptance Of Personal Responsibility.

- To respect and care for oneself.
- To not exalt oneself or overindulge – to show humility and avoid gluttony, greed, or other forms of selfishness or self-centeredness.
- To act in accordance with one’s conscience and to accept responsibility for one’s behavior.
Self-Discipline | Authenticity | Respect |
Curiosity | Patience | Self-awareness |
Tenacity | Forgiveness | Creativity |
Openness | Self-Reliance | Perseverance |
Innovation | Adaptability | Self-Love |
Gratitude | Introspection | Resilience |
Independence | Appreciation |
III. Respect And Caring For Others (i.e., The Golden Rule).

- To recognize the connectedness between all people.
- To serve humankind and to be helpful to individuals.
- To be caring, respectful, compassionate, tolerant, and forgiving of others.
- To not hurt others (e.g., do not murder, abuse, steal from, cheat, or lie to others).
Kindness | Understanding | Interdependence |
Tolerance | Acceptance | Diversity |
Charity | Solidarity | Inclusion |
Encouragement | Sincerity | Grace |
Cooperation | Empowerment | Kinship |
Fairness | Honesty | Teamwork |
Harmony | Civility |
IV. Caring For Other Living Things And The Environment.

Conservation | Preservation | Biodiversity |
Restoration | Protection | Beauty |
Community | Advocacy | Equality |
Ethics | Peace | Minimalism |
Connection | Nature | Future Generations |
Sustainability | Efficiency | Contribution |
Stewardship | Caring |
If you enjoyed this list of values and would like to know why it’s importance to have your own set of core values, read “Why values are important in life and how they benefit you.”
What core values do you live by? Please share them in the comments!
Source: A Short List Of Universal Moral Values” by Kinnier et. al., Counseling and Values Journal October 2000.