There’s nothing like that feeling you get when you purchase a brand new notebook. You imagine all the possible ways you can use it.
But if you’re like me, the novelty can wear off quickly and it sits on your shelf collecting dust. If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas, here a 35 fun and creative ways to fill up your empty notebook.
1. Journaling.
A classic diary or journal is a simple way to create a logbook of your life. Each entry is a little gem – an anecdote, a thought, an observation.
It’s a creative way to express yourself, an outlet for your thoughts & feelings, and a source of insight into your thought process & behavior.
2. Mind Mapping.
A great way to get started with your empty notebook is to mind map. A mind map is both a visual aid and a writing tool that helps you keep track of ideas and thoughts by linking a central/main idea with other related ideas.
Creating a mind map can help you remember key points. It also helps you see connections between things and allows you to see patterns in abstract concepts and disconnected ideas.
3. Brain Dumping.
The great thing about “brain dumping” is that it’s unstructured. There’s no right or wrong way to do it because you’re writing whatever comes to your brain and onto your paper or keyboard. The point of this is to help declutter & organize your mind.
4. Doodling.
When in doubt, doodle. Notebooks are not just for writing. It might seem silly to start doodling in a notebook, but it’s actually a really effective way of getting inspired.
According to a Harvard Health Publishing article, doodling can help:
- improve memory
- relieve stress
- and improve focus
Doodling can improve your ability to solve problems and create things, which is why it’s a great way to fill your blank notebook.
5. Dream Tracking.
Dream Tracking can be a great way to tap into your subconscious and develop new insights about yourself.
You can start by keeping your notebook by your desk so you can easily access it as soon as you wake. This is the best way to get started with it so you can easily recall your dream and track it.
6. Memories Diary.
Everyone has memories that they never want to forget. Capture those special moments by creating a notebook or journal that you can look back on any time you want.
You can record the most memorable moments in the lives of your friends, family, and loved ones. It’s a way to record all of those special memories from birthdays, graduations, holidays, and vacations.
7. Gratitude Journaling.
A gratitude journal is one of the best ways to increase happiness and joy in your life. By writing down what you’re grateful for on a regular basis, it becomes easier to be aware of all the things you already have and appreciate them.
Research has shown that creating a gratitude journal may help improve your overall well-being. You can start by writing down just one thing you’re grateful for each day and observe any changes in your mood or thoughts.
8. Notebook Of Lists.
Creating a list will help you remember things. They’re great for helping you remember important dates, key events in your life, and even reminders for yourself of important deadlines.
They’re great for jotting down practical tips and tricks – such as how many paces you cover in a 10k runs. You can create a list in your notebook for practically anything that you do on a regular basis.
9. AHA Moments.
Have you ever thought to yourself, if only I wrote that great idea down? Well, notebooks are great for when you have “aha” moments.
They’re a great way to remember spontaneous ideas or anything that pops into your head unexpectedly so you can easily retrieve them anytime you need them.
10. Setting Goals.
One of the best ways to use your notebook is to write down your goals. Goals help you stay focused on what you want to accomplish. Use your notebook to keep track of your goals as well as your progress and your accomplishments.
11. Freestyle Writing.
Freestyle writing is a great way to fill your notebook. The only rule is to do it consistently and write whatever comes to mind.
For this reason, freestyle writing is excellent for newbies and beginners. It’s a great way to get started without the pressure of following rigid guidelines & rules.
12. Quotes For Inspiration.
One great way to fill your blank notebook is to write down quotes. Quotes can come from you, your favorite books, authors, artists, friends, influencers, and just about anywhere you find inspiration.
Quotes are a great way to stay motivated. They keep us motivated, remind us of what we want from life, help us see the big picture and remind us that we’re not alone.
13. Poems.
Do you write poems, or have a love for them? You can use your empty notebook for poetry. Poems are beautiful expressions and can be great sources of inspiration.
Poems can be rich sources of scattered thoughts and feelings, they can be strict and follow rules, or they can be just one-liners with huge impact.
14. Tracking Habits.
Use your blank notebook for tracking your habits. Habit tracking helps with anything you want to improve in your life. When you keep track of your habits in a notebook, you’ll be able to see your progress, no matter how small it is.
15. Travel Journaling.
A travel journal is a great way to store your memories from the places you’ve been. Take colorful notes on places you’ve been, things you’ve looked at, and conversations you’ve had. When you get home, look at the words on the page and reminisce about the great time you had while traveling.
16. Researching.
Remember that notebook you used to write science projects? You can use your notebook for research ideas and projects, too. A blank notebook can be useful for brainstorming, asking questions, or reflecting on the topic you’re researching.
17. Appointments.
Have you ever used a notebook for appointments? It is a great way to save time and remember important information. Keeping appointments in a notebook vs. a smartphone will help you see all of them at a glance instead of scrolling through a small screen.
18. Love Letters.
When you’re in love, there is nothing like putting pen to paper and sharing your thoughts and feelings. There’s also nothing like taking notes in a journal as you navigate the wonderful world of love.
Writing down your feelings allows you to remember them easily and enables you to express them freely. You can share them with the one you love or you can just keep it for yourself.
19. Recipes.
How often do we get the chance to use our notebook for something other than pure observation? A great way to use a notebook is to gather ideas for recipes like for meal planning.
It can be difficult to remember which recipes fit into your daily diet, or what needs to be done each week. So use your notebook to keep track of what you buy and when.
20. Scrapbooking.
Scrapbooks are a great way to use your notebooks. They keep mementos of important events in your life. You cut and paste notes, pictures, etc., and stick them into your scrapbook.
21. Photo Journaling.
Do you love taking pictures but hate the idea of them sitting in your phone? A photo journal is a great idea for someone like you. You can use your empty notebook to fill them with your beautiful photos so you can enjoy them rather than forget that you took them in the first place.
22. Finances & Money.
Keeping track of all your expenses in your head is hard. This is where your empty notebook will come in handy. Keeping track of your expenses will give you more control over your finances and help prevent you from breaking your budget.
23. Random Thoughts.
Ever have a random thought pop into your head and then regretted not writing it down later? Use your notebook to organize your random thoughts because you never know when you can use them later down the road.
24. Favorites.
Your empty notebook is a great place for storing all of your favorites. Your favorite books, music, movies, artists, clothing designers, etc. There are so many places you can access your favorites nowadays that only a notebook can keep track of all the information that is out there.
25. Tracking Your Health.
When you need to improve your health by changing your behaviors and habits, you can use your blank notebook to help you keep track. You can make a list of the stuff you need to get rid of in your pantry or refrigerator.
Then track what you’re eating, what you’re drinking, and what times of the day you’re doing it. This is important to keep you accountable, a way to have something “watch over your shoulder” so you can be successful with your health and wellbeing.
26. Learning A New Language.
Learning a new language can be tough. There are so many rules that you need to adhere to that it can be confusing to keep track of all the new words.
A notebook not only helps you learn a new language and remember the words, writing them down helps to reinforce it in your brain.
27. Passwords And User Names.
If you’re like me, you probably have a million passwords and usernames. It’s hard to remember them all, so I like to use a notebook to keep track of them all.
You can use your empty notebook to organize and keep track of all your user names, passwords, and any other sensitive information. Just remember to keep it in a safe place.
28. Bullet Journaling.
You can use any empty notebook to create a bullet journal. They’re great for keeping track of just about anything. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. You don’t even need those boxes or lines to start one. Any blank notebook will do.
29. Short Stories.
If you’re a writer, then a notebook is a great way to jot down your short stories. You can keep your ideas in your notebook or you can use it to write your short stories and transfer them later. Or you can just keep them for yourself for your own reading enjoyment.
30. Planning.
I’m not a big planner, but I have to use one to keep my life together. An empty notebook is a great way to organize your life because there’s only so much that you can hold and process in your head.
You can use it to keep track of important dates, holidays, appointments, events, or daily to-do lists.
31. Reminders.
Like a planner, you need place to organize all of your daily, weekly, and monthly stuff. But, an empty notebook can be used to remind you of your daily tasks. It gives you a quick reference for what needs to get done for the day so you’re not scrambling around looking for where you wrote your reminder.
32. Smash Book.
Remember smash books as a kid? It was like a scrapbook but with bits of information about your friends and besties. If you’re into this kind of thing, then your blank notebook is the perfect place to start your smash book.
33. Bucket List.
I used to think bucket lists were kind of morbid but if you look at it as a to-do list for your life, then it can be an enjoyable way to use it to keep track of your life goals.
Use your notebook to write out a bucket list, at least 100 things, and cross out them out as you finish each one. Not only does it feel satisfactory, you feel like you’re fulfilling your life’s mission and purpose.
34. Vision Boards.
Vision boards are great inspirational tools and they don’t have to be actual boards. They can be placed inside of a notebook. Cut out any inspirational words, images, or quotes and paste them into your “vision board.” Then look at it regularly for inspiration. Then update it every year. You can keep the most recent, updated one open so you can attract what you want to manifest in your life.
35. Affirmations.
Positive affirmations are words or phrases that help boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. There’s even evidence that they can help improve your well-being and help you become more resilient.
Fill your notebook with positive affirmations and use them on regular basis to lift you up or to prepare you when you are facing something challenging.
“Always carry a notebook. And I mean always.” – Will Self
Getting Started With A Blank Notebook.
Writing can be intimidating, which is why fear is a big reason that stops people from doing it in the first place.
In school, I didn’t like writing the way I do now because I always feared getting criticism from teachers and classmates.
Another reason why it’s hard to get started is time. Studies have shown that the perceived lack of time is a barrier to writing, as well as a person’s attitudes, habits, and other external factors.
Fear and lack of time can lead to procrastination and keep you from enjoying the process of writing.
To help you overcome, here are my tips that will make it more enjoyable.
1. Give Yourself Some Grace.
Even the best writers criticize themselves.
When it comes to writing, it’s easy to judge yourself because of what you learned in school or from other people.
Remember that it’s not going to be perfect at first but with time, you’ll get the hang of it.
2. Be Consistent.
If you want it to be a habit, set aside time each day to write. Or pick a day and time that is most convenient for you, even if it’s just five minutes.
If you keep it up, you can increase or adjust your time for writing and it will feel like second nature.
3. Have Fun With It.
When you make writing fun, it keeps you motivated and keeps you going.
To keep it fun and light, think of things that you enjoy that you can do while you write.
For example:
- Writing in cozy or bright, airy spaces.
- Listening to relaxing music while you write.
- Sipping tea while journaling.
- Taking a walk and writing your ideas in a diary.
- Going to your favorite coffee shop to write.
4. Find A Supportive Group.
Finding like-minded people is a great way to feel supported on your writing journey.
Figure out where you’re at in your journey, what you’d like to write about, and where you’d like to be. For example, if you want to start an art journal, you can look for a group of beginners and experts to help you on your journey and give you inspiration.
Start an internet search, go to your local library, find online groups (e.g. Facebook Groups), or discover people on social media.
Last Thoughts.
Notebooks can be a fun and creative way to express yourself, keep track of things, and come up with great ideas.
Do you have any notebook ideas to share? Please let me know in the comments!
You’re welcome Prisha and I hope you found the notebook ideas helpful.